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Mediapipe GPU for Python 3.8.10

Mediapipe docker images

HEY! 👋

I've made a docker container with mediapipe 0.10.7 and opencv 4.8.0 ready to use! Check it out.
If you don't want to use docker, keep reading.

Mediapipe 0.10.7 installation

Required time: 15min


Python 3.8.0

It's the default version for l4t35.4.1, you are good to go!


From the tests I've made, OpenCV is needed to make everything works correctly. Don't worry, I've already built it for you 😄

Follow the steps here to install opencv 4.8.0 from wheel. Then come back here.


Wait, no tensorflow?

Well, I've seen guides that uses it and guides that don't. I didn't install it and my setup works great and uses the GPU.

The official mediapipe documentation says something about it here. I suggest you to continue without installing it.

Install mediapipe from wheel

First, update and upgrade:

sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade

Download the dependencies:

sudo apt-get install -y \
    libopencv-core-dev \
    libopencv-highgui-dev \
    libopencv-calib3d-dev \
    libopencv-features2d-dev \
    libopencv-imgproc-dev  \

Upgrade pip:

python3 -m pip install --upgrade pip

Download the wheel file from here.

Install mediapipe:

python3 -m pip install mediapipe-0.10.7-cp38-cp38-linux_aarch64.whl

To conclude, you need to install matplotlib:

python3 -m pip install matplotlib

To test that everything properly works, try these scripts.